Psalm 5:11 (NLT)

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 5:11 is a Bible verse where King David is praying for joy and protection for those who take refuge in the Lord. King David enjoyed a very personal and intimate relationship with God. He praised Him continually, and the Psalms are full of his prayers and worship of God.

We can see from Psalm 5:11 that David wanted others to share in the rich and favorable relationship he enjoyed with God. He was a man after God’s own heart, and his desires matched up with God’s. That is why he prayed for favor and blessings upon those who fear the Lord. He wanted them to know the fruit and rewards of following God. He desired abundant outcomes for the righteous.

It is wonderful to be happy and have a great time in a particular situation or place in our lives, but the joy and satisfaction we can have when we’re aware of God’s Presence with us in that situation, rises to a whole new level! God desires for us to enjoy life and walk in peace and in love, but He has an even greater desire to walk with us in peace and love, for us to experience the wonders of life with Him.

Awareness of the Holy Spirit

Everything we do or experience is far greater with our awareness of Him in it, our awareness of His Presence in our thoughts and in our spirit, no matter where we are or who we’re with.

As we keep Him in the forefront of our minds, He reveals the wonder of Who He is and where He is. We sense the covering of His wings over us. We laugh with Him, and experience pleasure with Him. He isn’t separated from our conversations and experiences anymore.

He is right in the middle of them.

He delights in shielding us from the darkness of the world and camouflaging us from the enemy.

Grounded in Christ

He uses our willingness to help us enter new territory and take over the devil’s domain here on earth, and just beyond the enemy’s gate is the newness of fresh life, youth and vitality. So with a grounded position in the Spirit of Christ, charge ahead through the adversity; don’t shrink back from it. Reach through the darkness, to the fresh life in Christ.

He is there with us through the valley, and eagerly waiting to show us the glory of that newness of life here on earth. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

God the Father calls us to those new places of heaven’s entry here on earth—not just geographically, but our physical, mental and emotional health, in our relationships (particularly with Him), in our finances and in our homes.

Can you hear Him? Do you recognize His beckon?

Get still and listen. Be still and know He is God, and He delights in His children.

Just as David prayed for you in Psalm 5:11, it is our heartfelt desire that you know the richness of the covering of His wings, His soft comforting touch upon your soul and body, and the new joy of a deepening relationship with the God of creation. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 5:11 to discover the newness of a rich and bountiful life with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son.



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