Psalm 37:11Pg2

But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.



Psalm 37:11 says the meek shall inherit the earth. God puts a HUGE value upon meekness, for that is the very essence of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.

It is so important that He rewards the meek with the inheritance of the earth! “Earth” in Hebrew means: to be firm, a land, country, nations, and world.

It is difficult to fully comprehend how we can inherit the earth, but think for a moment. Have you ever prayed for your country or for your community? God’s answers to our prayers are sometimes not evident in the carnal, because He answers many times in the spiritual, or the unseen.

He hears and answers our prayers, particularly if we follow Jesus Christ in meekness—gentleness and mercy. Ask Him to open up your understanding to how He is answering your prayers about your country, community or land. Then watch and listen.

The second reward for the meek in Psalm 37:11 is they shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

The word “peace” here translates to a very comprehensive meaning in the Hebrew: safe, well, happy, welfare, good health, prosperity and rest.

Wow! That is a well of living water, and of everlasting and abundant life. Remember, we don’t always get an “aha” moment with a total influx of these rewards at one time. As we discussed in the first part of this Commentary, many times we receive gradual and gentle breakthroughs.

Unlocking the Truth – Rain and Reign

His meekness (gentleness) is critically important for us, even as He gives us His promised gifts. We don’t see all the barriers in the spiritual realm that must be penetrated. As the meek inherit His promised rewards, these gifts are being removed from the wicked.

Note the verse immediately prior to the promises for the meek in Psalm 37:11.

For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. Psalm 37:10

There is a continual battle in the spiritual realm, a struggle of good vs. evil, a constant give and take. As we receive His good gifts, they are removed from the wicked, as Psalm 37:10 states.

And yet the unconditional love of God performs even this “give and take” with meekness. We once were wicked too, but Christ saved us from ourselves. He desires the same for those who do not know Him, so He gently transfers gifts in and out.

Oh, that the world would believe and receive His unconditional love!

The unbelief and rejection of His mercy is the darkest and deepest fear hidden in the souls of His children. It is the devil’s single greatest weapon of deception—the lie that God doesn’t love us.

Satan uses the painful experiences in our lives as evidence that we are unloved and unworthy. This lie is the great cancer of our souls…and from the heart spring all the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23)

Come to the Well—Jesus Christ. The meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Psalm 37:11

Be well in your heart and in your soul.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 37:11, and watch the meekness of Christ reign in your life and rain down upon the world.




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