Psalm 34:3 (NKJV)

Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 34:3 is a Bible verse in the Old Testament which teaches us how to worship God. King David was a master at praising God. He wrote many of the Psalms in the Bible, which are actually songs of praise. The Psalms are the lyrics.

Even when he was in desperate situations and running for his life, David remembered God’s faithfulness and praised Him for Who He was.

In Jesus Christ, as a son or daughter, we are a direct reflection of God. We are made in His image, and so when we praise God, He praises us. When we honor Him, He honors us. What we send up comes back down.

Oh, magnify the Lord with me,

Some Hebrew meanings of “magnify” in the first part of Psalm 34:3 are: to make large, promote, increase, lift up.

We have specific strengths and gifts given to us by God, but the overall purpose for them is to point others to Jesus Christ. We are to promote Him and lift Him up to others.

Ladies, this is also His instruction to us in regards to our husbands, since we are to honor our husbands as the church is to honor Christ (Ephesians 5:23). We are to honor him and lift him up to others. When we are faithful to our husbands in this, we are faithful to Christ.

Men likewise. When you love and cherish your wife as Christ loved the church, you are honoring her, and therefore honoring Christ. When others observe this attitude and behavior in us, it magnifies God.

That’s what worship is all about—showing our reverence back to God for all He has done for us. Webster’s defines “worship” like this: intense love or admiration.

God showed his intense love toward us when He sent His Son to die for us. Jesus Christ displayed that great love on the cross with His arms stretched wide in His willingness. When we worship Him, we are reflecting that intense love back to Him, which is a sweet fragrance to God (2 Corinthians 2:15).

Unlocking the Truth – Worship Together

Notice the last part of Psalm 34:3 that says, “And let us exalt His name together.” Together is key here.

Those who worship God together form a united front that cannot be penetrated by the devil. A stronghold is formed. When we magnify the Lord, He magnifies us.

As husbands and wives, when we promote our spouse, we promote the Lord together. As we worship the Lord together, He reflects the beauty and righteousness of Holy Matrimony back to us, and the brilliant radiance of Christ shines for all to see, and His bride comes running. (Song of Solomon 1:4)

By continual worship of Jesus Christ, He continually rises through us. And in His reflection, we can present ourselves to Christ as a bride unspotted and unstained by the world (Ephesians 5:27).

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 34:3 and be transformed by the power of worship.


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