Psalm 33:18 (ESV)

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness,


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 33:18 is a Bible verse from a song of praise written by King David, who reminds us the Lord watches over those who fear Him, and hope in Him.

When we are facing a challenge in life, we naturally try to find ways to solve the problem ourselves. But sometimes, the problem is too big for us to handle and we have no control over it. We may feel as if we’re adrift at sea, with no sail and no rudder. That’s when we might turn to God and call out to Him. Of course, we’d like an immediate answer, but many times that’s not how God operates.

Psalm 33:18 says the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear, or revere, Him. It seems to be human nature that we draw closest to God when have a big problem. It’s usually in the midst of a storm when we have the sweetest moments with Him, because we are seeking Him with all our hearts.

Like a loving father, God desires us to know His love for us personally, but we get distracted from the grandest gesture of love mankind has ever known—the cross.

Grand Opportunities

The storms in our lives are opportunities for us to know His mercy and lovingkindness toward us.

While we are going through the storm, we eagerly wait for God to still the waters, but what if the answer we’re looking for doesn’t come right away, or doesn’t seem to come at all?

Psalm 33:18 says the eye of the Lord is upon them that hope in his lovingkindness. If you look up the Hebrew definition of “hope” you’ll see: wait, be patient. It is a difficult thing to be patient while you are in anguish over something going on in your life, but God says His eye is upon you. He is watching over you.

You may not see or feel a response when crying out to God, but you can know He still loves you, and that there is a beautiful purpose behind the pain. Remember the cross.

Unlocking the Truth – Hope and Lovingkindness

The cross reminds us of His lovingkindness and mercy. He sent His only Son to die for our sins. Think about how painful it was for God, the Father to watch His beloved Son, holy and blameless, be tortured and crucified at the hands of sinners.

His love for us far exceeds our human understanding, but the cross is the best reminder while we’re waiting for relief from our own pain.

Though the crucifixion of Jesus was brutal and ugly, there was great beauty behind it. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” One Hebrew meaning of mercy, or lovingkindness, in Psalm 33:18 is “beauty.”

He is doing something beautiful for us that we might not be able to see on the surface. That is our hope. We must believe it and praise Him while going through the storm.

Let’s remember the cross and His great love for us—the purpose behind the pain. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you (James 4:8). Hope in Him, and you will see his mercy and lovingkindness toward you in the storm.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 33:18 and practice putting your hope in the Lord and His mercy and lovingkindness.


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