Psalm 18:19 (ESV)

He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

Psalm 18:19 is a Bible verse of praise where David is thanking God because He rescued him from his enemies.

Like many, you have probably found yourself in a situation where you felt like everyone in the world was against you. It seemed like nobody was on your side. That can be a very trying and lonely place. In our darkest times, we need the support and encouragement of others, but sometimes it doesn’t come. That’s when we turn to God.

He is our rescuer and deliverer. When no one else hears you or understands you, God does. He knows every detail of your past, every thought in your mind and every emotion in your heart. He feels it with you because He is in you and with you, as He promised.

Though David had been anointed as King, it was a great deal of time before he was able to take the throne. His enemies, those jealous of his anointing, wanted to kill him.

Have you ever climbed the ladder of success or accomplishment to finally reach the pinnacle, and found it to be a lonely place? Others don’t share your joy of being on top, because jealousy and envy get in the way.

Strength and Rescue

David found that to be the truth, as well. In Psalm 18:19, he is rejoicing because after a long, difficult period of running for his life, God rescued him, led him out to a large place. The word “broad” in Psalm 18:19 means: open space, liberty.

When we’re in a tight space, in the midst of a difficulty, God promises to strengthen us. One of the meanings of the word “rescued” is: strengthen. Others are: equip, draw out, prepared.

This definition should help us understand that even in the difficulty, God is preparing us for something, equipping us, just like a caterpillar struggling to get out of the cocoon. He will be able to fly only after a great labor, which strengthens his wings.

Our faith muscle is being strengthened by its continual use, which is drawing deliverance toward us.

The next key word in Psalm 18:19 is “delighted,” which in Hebrew means: pleased with, desire, favour, like.

God is pleased to bring us through the hardship, even though it is painful, because He delights to see us grow and become fruitful in His Kingdom. It is for our benefit that He is strengthening us, and also for those we are called to.

The Adventure of Following Christ

If you have given your life to Him, He has far greater plans for you than you can imagine. Though there are difficulties along the journey, it is a great adventure to follow Christ. Like a giant roller coaster, it’s fun, scary and exhilarating. We can have joy in the journey, because He is with us and in us. There is no greater Supporter or Encourager than Jesus Christ.

On the days when it seems everyone is against you, cling to Him. Read Psalm 18:19 again:

He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.

He is our Rescuer every day, no matter what the day holds. We don’t have to wait for a dramatic rescue, like at the end of a movie. He is our safety net, security and peace right now.

What a comfort, knowing He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He brings us out into a large place when our focus is on Him. He rescues you because He delights in you.

That’s why He died on the cross, so we could know His continual and intimate lovingkindness in the depth of our soul every day, no matter what we’re going through.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 18:19 to know His deliverance, His rescue is continual, never leaving you.

More Bible Verses About Strength


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