Proverbs 1:33 (NASB)

But he who listens to me shall live securely And will be at ease from the dread of evil.

Bible Commentary

Have you ever woken up one day and wondered “how did I get in the mess I’m in?” At points in our life, we all make bad decisions. The question is why do we make them? Is it from a desire that clouds our judgment–a want so bad that we must have it no matter the costs? A moment of panic?

No matter the reason, all bad decisions come from a fleshly thought process. We can get so caught up in worldly thoughts and desires, that we lose touch with what is important.

I would say that almost 100 percent of all our bad decisions could have been prevented if we had just stopped, taken a deep breath, prayed and asked God for direction.

Proverbs 1:33 – “But he who listens to me shall live securely And will be at ease from the dread of evil.”

We serve a compassionate, loving God. He wants to be involved in every aspect of our life…the big and the small. But it is up to us to include Him….

When God created us, He gave us free will. This means we have the choice to include Him in our lives or not. When we don’t, often we end up making a decision we regret.

So how do we include God in our decision making?

  1. We pray: Ask God for His wisdom and what His will is for us.
  2. We wait; God does not always answer immediately. To us, His answers often seem to take forever. This is where faith comes in…the willingness to wait on God.
  3. We listen: It does us no good to ask if we are not willing to listen for the answer.
  4. We obey: No matter whether we like God’s answer or not, we must heed His advice and put it into action.

God leaves it up to us. He will not force His will upon us. We can choose to live in the flesh and live a life full of anxiety as we strive to make our own choices. Or, we can include God and live life with peace and joy, even in difficult times.

Father, we know a life in Christ does not guarantee us a perfect life. But we do know it guarantees us a perfect destiny. Lord, give us the wisdom to bring all our needs to You and the faith to trust in Your answers, for Your ways are better than ours and Your thoughts are much wiser than ours. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!



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