Matthew 5:4 (NKJV)

Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. 


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Bible Commentary

Matthew 5:4 is a Bible verse in the New Testament from the most famous sermon Jesus ever gave. In this verse, He is speaking specifically to those who have experienced grief and sorrow.

We might think first of the sorrow we experience when we lose a loved one, and that definitely applies, but Jesus is speaking to those who experience any kind of pain or sorrow, which comes from many circumstances.

So in essence, He is speaking directly to ALL of us when He says in Matthew 5:4,

Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.

He is promising comfort to us all, no matter what kind of pain.

The dictionary defines “comfort” like this: 1) freedom or relief from pain, annoyance, or want 2) relief from sorrow or distress; consolation 3) relief from suffering, want or sorrow.

Unlocking the Truth – Supernatural Comfort

We can be comforted by kind words or hugs from other people, but there is nothing greater than the comfort and love of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Theirs is a supernatural comfort in our souls and bodies, which brings:

·         Instant relief in the harshest conditions

·         Exhilarating freedom from a confined place

·         Soft lovingkindness from the weight of oppression

·         Soothing relief from the chains that bind us

·         A breath of new life even in the torture chamber

Where there is want or lack, Jesus fills. Where there is pain, Jesus soothes. Where there is confinement, Jesus liberates.

Where there is sickness, Jesus heals. Where there is death, Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.

Everything we need is in Him. Cry out to Jesus Christ. There is power in His Name.

Study the Bible verse of Matthew 5:4, and be comforted by the love of the Father. He is yours, and you are His.



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