Matthew 2:9 (NKJV)

When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.


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Bible Commentary

Matthew 2:9 is a Bible Verse that describes how the wise men found the young child Jesus Christ.

God speaks to people in all kinds of wonderful ways. When we’re listening and looking for Him, He shows up in so many different and marvelous ways. He delights in giving good gifts to His children, just like all parents do.

The Savior of the World Who was sent to deliver us from our sins was the greatest gift ever given. It was the best and most cherished possession of Heaven, and God gave Him to us by the mercy of His great plan.

Think back, though. How would word get out that a Savior had been born? There was no Internet, telephone, nor television. What good is great news unless people hear it?

God, in His omnipotent ways, chooses unique and beautiful ways to communicate to His people. The world is filled with the beauty of His firmament and His voice, and those who listen and watch for it get to hear and see it.

The wise men were tuned into God. That’s where their wisdom came from. In Matthew 2:2, they said, “For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” They knew it was His star, the star of the Lord Christ. They didn’t rely on newspaper headlines, television news or the latest online trend. They saw His star in the East and came to worship Him.

Have you ever experienced that kind of communication with God? He spoke to you in some way, and you just knew it was Him because of your private conversations with Him. Others might not have understood, but you just knew in your heart?

Unlocking the Truth – Our Bright Star

Notice in Matthew 2:9 the star which they had seen in the East went before them. It moved with them. That’s a very uncommon occurrence, isn’t it? Being able to see with the naked eye a moving star? It probably sounded crazy to their friends and family, but the wise men knew it was God leading them to the Lord.

The Lord is described in multiple places in the Bible as Light, a bright shining Star, or radiant. In the case of the wise men, it was a light in the sky in the form of a star, but His light can shine inwardly, as well.

We know and understand in our spirit when the Lord communicates with us by this inward Bright Light. Maybe it’s not visible to the naked eye, but it might shine in our emotions as an unusually bright and joyful disposition, finding pleasure in simple things.

It can show up as unexpected peaceful pleasure toward others, even in the hustle and bustle of everyday traffic and activities. What was dreaded and endured before now becomes accepted and even enjoyed.

It’s more than a “good mood.” It goes deeper than that. It’s a joy not just in the heart and mind, but in our spirit. What annoyed us before, we can laugh off and easily dismiss now.

Where our heart felt dull and indifferent before now feels alive. We can look at things with a more positive viewpoint than before. It is unexplained, but gratefully accepted.

The Lord works like that many times. It’s not like He knocks on our door and zaps us with a bright light, but it is a gradual awakening of a deep sense of joy within, that can only be Him. In Matthew 2:9, the wise men followed the star which they had seen in the East that went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.

We must also follow that light the Lord shines from within, recognize it as the Light of the World and let it shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Study the Bible verse of Matthew 2:9, recognize the light shining within you as the Lord, and show it to the world.

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