Job 22:21 (NKJV)

“Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace; Thereby good will come to you. 


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Bible Commentary

Job 22:21 is a Bible verse from the Old Testament, which is a beautiful promise for those who acquaint themselves with God.

The words of this verse were spoken by one of Job’s friends who had come to comfort him, as Job had lost all of his children, his flock and his health.

In the madness of current events, each of us seek peace and comfort somewhere, or in something. Those of us who have a relationship with Jesus Christ know where to turn. However, if we continually choose something or someone other than Christ we come up empty, or worse we can find ourselves addicted to the things of the world, like alcohol, drugs or pornography, etc.

Job 22:21 is sound advice for all of us, all the time.

Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace; Thereby good will come to you.

The word “acquaint” isn’t just a one-time occurrence. It doesn’t mean we can pray a few times or read the Bible or go to church a few times and be “acquainted” with God. Both the Hebrew meaning and the definition in Webster’s dictionary is this: to be familiar.

If we are familiar with someone, we know them well. We most likely know what they like and dislike, what their habits are and what they do. We are familiar with our spouse, a good and trusted friend, our Mom or Dad, brother or sister—someone we have spent a good deal of time with.

So let’s ask ourselves. Are we familiar with God? Do we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, His Son?

Unlocking the Truth – Good will Come to Us

Job 22:21 says to acquaint ourselves with God and we will be at peace, and good will come to us. This sounds very much like John 8:31 where Jesus said to the Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.”

Those who walk closely with Jesus Christ and develop a personal and intimate relationship with Him are blessed with peace. How do I know? From my own personal experience. But the truth from the word of God is even better.

Ephesians 2:14 says, “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation…”

Jesus Himself is our peace.

The more of Him we have living within us, the more peace we have. Nothing in this world can bring comfort like He can. He is our Comforter (John 14:16). Spend time with other Christians and ask for their testimonies of how Christ gave them peace. It is inspiring and can give you hope.

Peace is not the only thing promised in Job 22:21. It also says that when we acquaint ourselves with Him that good will come to us. That is a great comfort in these tumultuous times.

We all know what good is, but let’s look at the Hebrew meanings: a good man or woman, beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, favor, pleasure, prosperity, wealth.

Wow, that’s quite a list! Everything we could ever want or need is in Jesus Christ. He longs to give it to us, if only we look to Him continually and walk faithfully with Him. Study the Bible verse of Job 22:21 and be well acquainted with Jesus Christ, our Savior.





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