Job 19:25 (ESV)

For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.


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Bible Commentary

Job 19:25 is a Bible verse in the Old Testament where Job is looking up to Jesus Christ, pronouncing his trust in his Redeemer, the One to rise in the last days.

Job had lost almost everything he valued on the earth—his children, livestock, friendships, wealth, health and his position of respect. His so-called friends came to comfort him, but what they really did was accuse him of committing sin worthy of all the evil that had happened to him.

They were quick to take on the role of God and tell him why so many terrible things had happened to him. And to add injury to insult, they implored him to come clean and confess. Maybe their intentions were good, and they believed if Job repented that his blessings would be restored.

Job had to stand alone. He had to separate himself from his friends who accused him. The whole community, his family members and even his own wife turned away from him. He was no longer respected or adored. The emotional agony of being completely alone was not all. He also had to endure the loss of his health and the loss of his revenue stream. God allowed a complete separation between Job and his entire world.

But true to God’s knowledge of his heart, Job did not curse God. Though he had a bit of a pity party, Job did not turn his back on God. His words in Job 19:25 are:

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.”

Job had a solid relationship with God. Job feared God and turned away from evil (Job 1:1). He knew justice and righteousness.

My Redeemer Lives

At a time of such tragedy in his life, he clung to his Redeemer, the One of righteousness and justice. “Redeemer” in Hebrew has several interesting meanings: to redeem, be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative’s property, marry his widow), avenger, deliver, ransom, revenger.

When we are facing a time of loss and pain in our lives, it is then we find out who we really are and what we’re made of. And when we have nowhere else to look but up, we find out who God really is. He is probably not what we thought, and not what we were taught, but so much more than we ever imagined.

We might have thought we put God first in our lives, but when all of our props are removed out from under us, we find He wasn’t really #1 in our hearts. We probably found out we trusted in people, status, money and things more than we relied upon Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Sometimes that’s the only way to see the truth about who we are.

And sometimes it’s the only way we get still and seek God with everything we have.

Maybe it’s the only time in our lives we bow before Him.

Maybe we begin to understand what it means to “fear God.”

We learn to submit to a holy, righteous God, understanding He is sovereign.

We finally understand what holiness is when we see His righteousness.

We are face-to-face with Him, and His tender mercy and righteousness are reflected upon us.

Without all the barriers and distractions, we can actually receive what He’s been trying to give us for so long—more of Himself.

Just As We Are

We catch a glimpse of how deep His love is for us as He accepts us…just as we are.

We become one with Him, and become more like Him.

We finally get a taste of how much sweeter He is than all the things of the world.

And we’re grateful; grateful for all we lost and more importantly we’re grateful for all we’ve gained.

And just like Job, God restores to us twice as much as we had before. And now, whatever we possess in the world is just gravy if-you-will, because we know our Redeemer lives.

Study the Bible verse of Job 19:25 and know your Redeemer lives.





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