Esther 4:14 (NKJV)

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 


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Bible Commentary

Esther 4:14 is a popular Bible Verse where Mordecai, Queen Esther’s Uncle, brought to light a great opportunity and responsibility.

In the face of great adversity, Queen Esther faced a very important decision—a decision that could cost her very life. And yet there would be a great price no matter what she decided—to act or not.

You see, Esther was thrust into a position of great change early in her life. The king had commanded that every beautiful young virgin in all the provinces in the kingdom be brought to the citadel, to “try out” if you will, for the position of queen. Esther was one such virgin.

With God’s protection, Esther found favor with the king and out of all the young women who had come into the palace, he chose Esther to be his queen. What a huge turn of events in a relatively short period of time!

We can regard a big change in our lives as either exhilarating and exciting, or dreadful and uncertain, or a mix of both. This was most certainly what Esther faced as a young woman, to be scooped up from her home and Uncle who raised her, and taken to the palace of the king to live with many other young ladies.

And yet, God rewarded her for her attitude of obedience and raised her up into a very honorable and coveted position. The Bible says Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her (Esther 2:15).

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When evil Haman, the second in command, advised the king to destroy all the Jews in the entire region, the king bought into his deceitful advice and ordered it to be done, not knowing that his new queen, Esther, was a Jew.

Mordecai, her uncle, immediately called upon Esther to go before the king on behalf of the Jews. He undoubtedly recognized her newfound position of Queen as a God-appointed opportunity to save the Jewish people.

However, that feat was easier said than done. Esther hadn’t been called to the king for 30 days, and she risked her life stepping into the court uninvited, even as Queen.

But Mordecai, in his wisdom and faithfulness to God, recognized Esther’s position as ordered by God, and in Esther 4:14 he said,

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

What a dire dilemma she faced. She could either remain silent and watch the entire race of her people, including herself, be destroyed, or she could risk her life by going into the court uninvited and appeal to the king on their behalf.

Have you ever faced a very tricky situation, one in which there seemed to be no good outcome? Looking one way, there would be pain and difficulty, but looking the other way, there was also pain. No way out!!

At certain times in our lives, we have to buck up and do what’s hard, what’s painful, or what’s fearful.

The funny thing is, many times we find that what we had so dreaded and feared was not as bad as we had imagined.

The torture of wondering… click to continue



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