Matthew 25:29a (NKJV)

‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; 


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Bible Commentary

Matthew 25:29a is a Bible verse from the Parable of the Talents that shows the righteous rewards of those who serve the Lord.

Without reading the entire Parable of the Talents, this verse alone might seem unfair. Let’s take a look at who is being rewarded with abundance here. Jesus begins this parable by likening it to the kingdom of heaven. Before leaving on a long journey, a high-level businessman gave 3 of his servants a specific responsibility—each one according to their ability.

The first servant received five talents, the second servant two talents and the third servant one talent. Their boss left them with the responsibility but also the opportunity to do a good job with what he had given them.

When the boss returned, the first servant eagerly showed him the original 5 talents with an additional 5 that he had gained. Likewise, the second servant gave him the original 2 talents with two more that he had gained. Their lord praised them both for their hard work and fruitful results.

But the third servant conceded that he was afraid and instead of working with the one talent he had, he went and hid it in the ground. This servant was reprimanded for being “wicked and lazy,” then the master took the one talent from him and gave it to the servant with ten talents.

Then he says in Matthew 25:29a, “For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance…”

If this story is like the kingdom of heaven, then we can see what pleases the Lord and what does not.

Each of us has been given specific talents or gifts (1 Corinthians 12:11), and it is our duty (with God’s help) to discover what they are and then develop them for the good of His kingdom here on earth.

No doubt, we all have fears and insecurities, which the devil uses against us to prohibit us from using our gifts for God. Therein lies our test. Will we go forward despite our fears, or will we shrink back and hide our talents in the ground?

Rise Up!

Remember, it is not necessarily those who are without that are promised abundance. It is those who are faithful to the Lord, those who are responsible to develop what they have been given, and those who seek to be fruitful in the Kingdom of God.

Fear can be a very difficult thing to conquer. It can be paralyzing. But we cannot use that as an excuse to delay the development of, or ignore the gifts God has given us. If we do, we are in jeopardy of losing our gifts to someone else.

God rewards our faith. When our faith becomes greater than our fear, it is much easier to move forward. So our responsibility then is to grow our faith, and we do that by leaning into God, praying and studying His Word.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Tune your ears and your heart to the Bible. He will not let you down.

Our fears can be overcome and conquered. Our talents can be used in a great way to serve others, even save others and be greatly pleasing to God. He seeks those who, like King David, are after His Own heart.

Study the Bible verse of Matthew 25:29a, press forward and rise up in the kingdom of heaven here on earth.



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