Romans 15:5 (KJV)

Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: 


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Bible Commentary

Romans 15:5 is a Bible verse from the New Testament where the Apostle Paul is blessing us with the patience and consolation we need to be likeminded toward one another.

The word “consolation” really stands out to me in this verse. It is very difficult to be likeminded with someone if we can’t sympathize with what they are going through.

The reverse is also true. It is more difficult for someone to comfort us if they themselves haven’t experienced a similar difficulty. Compassion is more freely given and expressed when we have experienced the same pain we see someone else going through. Our heart goes out to them because we know what it’s like.

That’s what Paul is getting at in Romans 15:5. We don’t have to go through painful situations ourselves in order to comfort someone. He was asking God to grant us the patience and consolation we need to comfort others.

God can give us patience and consolation either through personal experience and/or by divine impartation. If the God of patience and consolation lives within us through Jesus Christ, then we have that same power living in us. Let’s ask His help to access it.

Gain Wisdom from Personal Experience

Most likely we have all had painful situations in the past. God can use what we have already lived through to teach us patience and comfort. Don’t go looking for painful lessons of patience and consolation. Pray and ask God to teach you from what you’ve already gone through. We can gain wisdom this way.

When Jesus taught us to pray, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” He had divine impartation in mind—a place with no more pain. He delights in giving us good gifts–Kingdom gifts.

Romans 15:5 stresses the importance of being “likeminded”. There is a perfect explanation of this word in the Greek: to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience); set the affection on.

We can be likeminded with someone if we care about them, if we are concerned for their welfare, or if we set our affection on them. One way to do that is to imagine ourselves or a loved one in their place. We can exchange pleasantries in conversation and express condolences, but do we really take the time to stop and get in agreement with them, as if it was us going through the same thing?

I believe that’s what Jesus Christ meant when He said the Father seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23). He delights in true worship, not just an outward show. Similarly, He delights in our true compassion toward others, not just empty words.

According to Jesus Christ

The last part of Romans 15:5 says, “according to Jesus Christ.” I believe this is the very example Jesus set for us. He stopped and took the time to align Himself with those who came to Him for healing and help.

He received them, accepted them.

Do we take the time to really receive someone, accept them and their point of view? Or do we quickly reject their opinion because we’re clinging so tightly to our own? What is the real truth?

Let’s slow down long enough to receive and accept the person, even if we don’t accept their view. It doesn’t have to be painful to be likeminded with those of different viewpoints. All we have to do is care about them. Jesus loved them enough to die on a cross for them. Therefore, we CAN access the love of Christ in our hearts so we can at least care about those around us.

Jesus Christ will take care of the rest.

When we get our stubbornness out of the way and instead align ourselves with the righteousness of Jesus Christ, He will come bursting through in amazing ways. Study the Bible verse of Romans 15:5, exercise the heart of Jesus Christ toward others, then stand back and watch the light of righteousness be poured out.


Verse of the Day

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