Romans 13:12 Continued

The night is almost gone, and the day is near.  Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.


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…love our neighbor as ourselves, He didn’t expect us to do this without the tools we needed to fulfill this most important command.

When we confessed our sins, and asked Christ to forgive us, we invited His salvation into our hearts. That is the precise moment when the Holy Spirit came in to dwell in our lives…forever. He equipped us with the Holy Spirit.

Because the Holy Spirit lives in us, we have access to the greatest tool we could ever be given—love. We might not feel love toward someone, but it is possible to love them when we lay aside those things—the darkness—that blocks the path, like jealousy, strife, etc.

With our will and determination, using the mind of Christ, we must reach past the darkness—the judgments, suspicions, grudges, etc., and access the light, which is where love dwells. Look at what Paul said in Romans 13:12. “…let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

Use the Armor of Light

The tool we have been given in Christ is the armor of light. As Christians, we all have it, but we don’t use it like we should.

When the fiery arrows of darkness come flying at us—judgments, jealousies, temptations—we must use our armor of light with the mind of Christ. Jesus Christ is the light of the world.

Because He lives in us, we have the power to open the channels to allow His love to pour through us, by laying aside the deeds of darkness. As we open up those channels that the darkness has held captive for so long, the light will begin to emerge and shine through. The armor of God’s light will be seen upon us because we have chosen to put it on.

Others are drawn to the light of the glory of God in us. It will radiate from us as we practice drawing from it. What a glorious thing to see and feel the love of Christ being lived out in our own lives.

The kingdom of God is within us. We attract the Presence of God with the beauty of Jesus Christ in our hearts. Don’t be left out in the dark.

Come inside to the Presence of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God. Study the Bible verse of Romans 13:12 and see the armor of light of Jesus Christ upon you.




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