Psalm 45:7 (NKJV)

You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

Psalm 45:7 is a Bible verse from the marriage song for the king, which commends him for being a righteous man and declares him as being anointed by God.

The best and most honorable accolade we could ever receive is a commendation from God the Father. That is just what God is doing here in Psalm 45.

God is looking upon the heart of the king and seeing his love of righteousness and his hate of wickedness. In fact, God speaks of His Son Jesus Christ in this same regard in Hebrews 1:8-9.

In our pursuit of Jesus Christ the Son, our hearts are transformed to His, taking on His desires, His love of righteousness and hatred of wickedness. So, He is talking to you and me in Psalm 45.

He continues in His commendation by granting us a reward for imitating the desires of God’s heart. Psalm 45:7 continues,

“Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.”

The word “anointed” in Hebrew means: to consecrate; also to paint. In other words, God is consecrating  us, literally painting us, with the oil of gladness. What is the oil of gladness?

“Oil” in Hebrew means: grease, liquid (as from the olive, often perfumed); richness, fruitful; to shine. “Gladness” in Hebrew means: cheerfulness, welcome; joy, rejoicing.

We are painted with the richness of joy! You can probably recall some specific times in your life when you experienced pure joy. Maybe it was your wedding day or the day your child was born. Or maybe it was during a special time of worship when you experienced the pure love of God.

That’s what God is talking about—the richness of a continual gladness—not just a few times throughout your life, but a continual flow of joy. That is quite an anointing!

Unlocking the Truth – Experience His Joy

Then Psalm 45:7 ends with, “more than your companions.” This means there are others who will not know this special anointing of the oil of gladness, and that we have exceeded others in imitating the desires of God’s heart.

God loves us all, but there are some who have a special affinity in His heart because they do what pleases Him.

None of us automatically have God’s desires in our hearts, but with our will we seek after Him, and in doing so, we are transformed more and more into His image, so we can experience the continual flow of His joy.

God longs to reward us with the riches of His grace.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 45:7 and know the blessings of God as men of righteousness in Jesus Christ.



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