Luke 1:46-47 (NKJV)

And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.


Bible Commentary

Luke 1:46-47 is a Bible Verse where Mary sings praises to the Lord because of His amazing work in her life.

We can only imagine such a miracle as the one Mary personally experienced. When Gabriel the angel came to give her the news, she was taken aback, as you would expect. It was a lot to take in, and she was engaged to Joseph at the time. She knew it would be a risk to go down the road God asked her to.

After getting an answer to only one question, she humbly and courageously submitted to the Lord’s will for her life. It was a gigantic honor to be chosen to carry God’s Son, but it would require a great testing of her faith and Joseph’s.

She didn’t know what would happen, but she trusted God enough with her life to move forward with a “yes”. Jesus also did that in the Garden of Gethsemane. After asking God to remove “this cup” from Him, He humbly and courageously submitted to the perfect will of the Father—whatever it was.

If we follow the Lord in obedience to what He asks of us, we don’t accept His call because we know what the outcome will be. We accept His call no matter what the outcome is.

That is trust…and that is how we love God.

That’s what Mary did. She endured the rejection of her family members and friends. Most did not believe her. She sacrificed her reputation when she accepted the gift God had given her.

But God did not leave her without the support she needed. Her cousin Elizabeth stood with her. Elizabeth had also been visited by God with a special blessing of a child after a long time of being childless. They had each other and both of them carried a son with a special anointing.

Unlocking the Truth – Private Blessings

When our faith is being tried, we can rest assured that He will equip us with what we need to carry out our calling. It might not be what we expect or the way we expect, but He will equip us.

Mary was honored in more ways than we can probably imagine. She was privileged to raise up the young boy of Jesus Christ, our Savior, and be a mother to Him. What an honor among honors! Even when she was enduring the hardship of rejection, she praised God in Luke 1:46-47.

“My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

After Jesus was born, prestigious people who did not even know her before, came and paid tribute to her son, giving them gifts and recognizing her babe as the Holy One of the Lord. She treasured these things in her heart (Luke 2:19).

What is honorable to one might not be considered honorable to another. It all depends upon our relationship with God. Mary cherished these things in her heart because God honored her in a very intimate and personal way.

And of course, since then, she has become known as the most famous woman in history. God’s call on our lives is not just for the here and now, but it is for generations, for our children, our grandchildren and their children. Mary saw the big picture.

God thinks much bigger than we do, but He only gives us a glimpse at a time because we would be overwhelmed at the knowledge of how big His will is for our life.

He calls one step at a time and we accept one step at a time. The farther we go with Him, the greater is our reward. He gives us personal and intimate blessings to cherish in our heart, which might not be seen to anyone else but us.

When we can be grateful for those private and personal blessings and be content with that, we are truly blessed indeed. Then when the public blessings come, our cup runneth over.

Study the Bible verse of Luke 1:46-47, and may your soul magnify the Lord and your spirit rejoice in God your Savior.


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