Isaiah 12:1 (NASB)

Then you will say on that day, “I will give thanks to You, O Lord; For although You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, And You comfort me.

Bible Commentary

Isaiah 12:1 is a Bible verse in the Old Testament where Isaiah is prophesying about the coming Saviour, Who will save God’s people from His wrath—the curse.

One Hebrew meaning for the word “angry” is: enraged. Some Hebrew meanings of the word “anger” are: nose, face, countenance, suffering.

Let’s go back to the beginning and look at the history of the curse. The paradise of the Garden of Eden that Adam and Eve enjoyed was serene and abundantly beautiful. It was completely peaceful, joyful and bright with the Presence of God. They had everything they could have wanted: a rich and satisfying relationship with one another and the comforts of a beautiful garden where there was an abundance of food and beauty.

Most of all, Adam and Eve enjoyed an intimate fellowship with God. They had a perfect relationship with Him because there was no sin to separate them from a Holy God. God (His Truth and purity) was their covering, their protection, which was also their beauty, a reflection of God’s pleasing countenance, or face. Their minds (every thought) and their emotions (every feeling and desire) were pure and lovely under His protection.

The Perfect Gift

Take a moment and think of a time in your life when you took great care in making something for someone, or maybe you sacrificed a good deal of money to get just the perfect gift, in hopes of pleasing a special someone in your life.

Now, what if they had taken that gift you had made with great care, or purchased with great sacrifice, and threw it on the ground and stomped on it?

The anger  and pain we would feel of such a disappointment is only a tiny fraction of how God felt when Adam and Eve chose a lie instead of the truth. When they turned their backs on Him, God’s countenance changed to anger.

His changed countenance reflected upon them as they endured the removal of His glory from not only their physical bodies, but their minds and emotions, their souls. The beauty and brightness of His glory had been changed to suffering. Look at the Hebrew meaning of “anger” again: nose, face, countenance, suffering.

The Curse is Gone

God suffered when they turned their backs on Him. The darkness of sin had taken hold. They felt ashamed, naked, unsatisfied, afraid and imprisoned. They were no longer free. They had come out from under His protective covering.

God banished them from the Garden, the place of purity and serenity and the place of intimate fellowship with Him, but He didn’t leave them naked. He graciously covered their physical bodies with animals’ skins, a foreshadowing of the Covering to come in Jesus Christ.

The Bible says mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). Isaiah 12:1 speaks about the day…   click to continue reading



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