Luke 2:14 (NKJV)

“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”


Bible Commentary

Luke 2:14 is a Bible Verse where praise broke forth from a multitude of the heavenly host because of the birth of Jesus Christ. It was a very special night, a night in which all others pale in comparison. Some common shepherds were on night watch out in the fields, just like many nights before it.

We tend to expect our tomorrow’s to bring the same occurrences as our yesterdays. Many times, this is the case, but not this night.

These country shepherds were minding their own business, keeping watch over their flocks like they always did, when suddenly Luke 2:9 says, “Behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.”

This must have been quite a shock. They had probably never seen an angel before, and certainly not up close in person. It was nighttime, but when the angel appeared before them, the glory of the Lord shone around them. Suddenly, it was as bright as day.

A Reason to Rejoice

We know how our eyes feel upon opening the door to the daylight after coming out of a dark movie theater. It can be blinding and shocking, even when we know what to expect. These shepherds must have been in shock and in awe; they were greatly afraid.

The angel, understanding their reaction, said “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

The angel was quick to give them a reason to rejoice, which would put away their fears. He appeared before them for a very special and grand purpose, which was to announce the birth of Christ our Savior.

What an honor for these common shepherds to receive this news, and in such a spectacular way! This was the headline among headlines!

Have you ever received a special announcement from God, one in which He promised something specific to you personally or to your family? Maybe it was a specific Bible verse, or maybe you saw a vision, or maybe the Holy Spirit communicated to you in a way you just simply understood.

Unlocking the Truth – Labor Pains

Maybe like Mary, you have pondered those things in your heart, waiting for the revelation of them. It is a grand promise with a huge purpose, and you eagerly look forward to the realization of it.

Mary also must have looked forward to enjoying a Baby Who was sent straight from God and eventually the honor of being the virgin chosen to carry Him.

When she and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem after a long, cold journey, she must have been distraught when they discovered there was no room for them at the Inn. She was pregnant and weary from such a hard journey, but they did not get to enjoy the comforts of a room. Instead, they had to camp out in the stable.

Not only that, but she was probably having labor pains, for that night she delivered the Child. She was chosen for a marvelous purpose, and so maybe she expected the comforts and luxuries that come along with a position of honor.

What’s Going On, God?

Maybe we have those same expectations. We heard the promise of God, recognized the wonder of it, were in awe of why He would choose us for such an honorable purpose, and then we end up in the stable with the cows and horses.

“What’s going on, God?” we might ask.  And then He begins to direct our attention to His glory.

The angel who came to announce the birth of Christ to the shepherds, along with a multitude of heavenly host, praised God in Luke 2:14.

“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Somewhere along the way, we were expecting to receive the accolades of men because of the great thing God chose us for. Though we should feel honored and special because of the great promises God made to us, it is always ultimately for His glory. Notice in Luke 2:14 that men on earth are promised peace and goodwill, a wonderful and relished gift, but only after Glory to God in the highest.

He must always be the One on top, the One we look to for everything. If we “get too big for our britches” so-to-speak, then we’ve lost sight of our saving grace.

Gracious Attitude

If we lose sight of our saving grace, then we can’t help others see the grace of God. When we undergo the hardships of life and maintain a humble and gracious attitude, then we have glorified God and shown Him to others.

If Joseph and Mary had been hidden away in a comfortable room at the Inn, how would the shepherds have seen the Babe? God kept Mary and the Babe out in the open where others could see. After all, this Baby was a gift to the world, not just to Mary and Joseph.

God always has the big picture in mind. Remember the angel told the shepherds, “behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.” (Luke 2:10)

Whatever we’re going through, it is ultimately to point us to God and to draw others to Christ our Savior. Study the Bible verse of Luke 2:14, and glorify God in the highest. Peace on earth and good will to men! Amen!




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