Deuteronomy 33:27a (ESV)

The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.


Verse of the Day 

Bible Commentary

Deuteronomy 33:27a is a Bible verse in the Old Testament where Moses gave his last blessing to God’s people before his death. This blessing is full of very rich and fruitful promises.

The people of Israel had difficulty keeping their focus of worship upon the One True God, the “eternal God” as Deuteronomy 33:27a states, much like we do today.

Our fleshly desires and ignorance of the truth take us down many empty and desolate roads. In the Bible, God the Father, continually warns us against being led astray by false gods.

The phrase “everlasting arms,” in Deuteronomy 33:27a references the following: He subdues the ancient gods, and shatters the forces of old.

The “ancient gods” are God’s enemies, those things that draw us away from Him and His safety.

Unlocking the Truth – Strength, Safety, Comfort

He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5), and it deeply hurts His heart when we turn away from His sacrificial love for us, and there are painful consequences for doing so, as the Bible warns. But just like a good and loving father, He warns us of the dangers around us, yet He gives us the freedom to make our own decisions.

Another word for “dwelling places” in Deuteronomy 33:27a is “refuge.” Refuge is defined as: shelter or protection from danger or distress; a place that provides shelter or protection.

That is exactly how God describes Himself. He is our refuge, our dwelling place. He is our protection and safety from the alluring and deceptive forces out in the world. The word “underneath” in Hebrew means: the bottom, depressed, below.

Knowing we would follow empty pursuits and end up at the bottom, or depressed places, He offers us the embrace of His everlasting arms.

His Everlasting Arms

“Everlasting” in Deuteronomy 33:27a in Hebrew means: concealed, vanishing point, always. Though God might be out-of-sight and out-of-mind while we choose our own way apart from Him, the safety of His everlasting arms is always there to welcome us back.

“Arms” in Hebrews means: help, mighty, power, shoulder and strength. Isn’t that exactly what we need when we are in a dark and hopeless place? We turn to God when we desperately need strength, comfort and safety—a mighty shoulder to lean on.

When you need to feel the strength and comfort of a loving Father, listen to the song, Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. Turn and worship God, and give Him anything and anyone you mistakenly put in His rightful place in your heart. He still loves us and welcomes us back with His everlasting arms.

Study the Bible verse of Deuteronomy 33:27a, and be strengthened and comforted by your Creator, Saviour, Father and Friend.

More Bible Verses about Comfort



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